By dealing with constraint condition and cell parameter, results of elements'stress and nodal displacement of the keel were obtained under gravity load condition. 对约束条件以及结构单元参数进行了分析,得到了龙骨结构在重力载荷作用下的应力和变形。
Secondly, Based on the air-gap field of non-uniform airspace of servomotor caused by the vibration eccentricity of rotor, the servomotor element, which defined the transverse vibration and torsional vibration of the servomotor as its nodal displacement, is established. 其次,针对交流伺服电机转子偏心时不均匀气隙磁场,建立以电机横振、扭振为节点位移的有限电机单元;
Using nodal displacement master-slave constraint to consider the dimensional effect of head-enlarged pile 用节点位移的主-从关系考虑扩底桩的端承面尺寸效应
Furthermore, all nodal displacement, velocity and acceleration response can also be calculated if the radial electromagnetic forces act on the model. It establishes fundamental for research on relationship between vibration modal orders and sound radiation ratio and prediction of vibration and noise. 将径向电磁力作用于其模型,计算出所有点的位移、速度和加速度响应,为定子振动模态阶数与声辐射系数关系的研究及振动和噪声值的预估奠定了基础。
The nodal displacement vector is directly expanded by the parameter but the equivalent nodal force vector is treated as a reference load with a common coefficient that is equal to unity and expanded by the parameter. 将节点位移摄动展开,并以复合载荷的等效节点载荷为参考载荷,将其公共系数1摄动展开。
The usual practice to overcome such difficulties is to establish a self-equilibrium system of internal forces acting on various nodal points by means of transforming equations of motion into varia-tional form of energy relation through the application of virtual displacement principle. 克服这种困难的一般方法是通过虚位移原理,把运动方程化为能量关系的变分形式,从而建立既作用在结点上而又在每一有限元内自相平衡的人为内力平衡系统。
Based on the force-method equation, the stiffness matrix and fixed-end nodal displacement and force vector are derived. 在力法方程的基础上,给出了组合梁单元的刚度矩阵、杆端位移向量及杆端荷载向量并建立了刚度方程。
The modified MLS shape function, for alleviating the above problem, is given by establishing the relationship between the nodal value and the generalized displacement. 本文通过建立节点位移和广义位移之间的关系对移动最小二乘形函数进行修正,给出了修正的移动最小二乘形函数;
Motion compensation and prediction using deformable block matching algorithm ( DBMA) is discussed. This paper proposes a nodal search-based DBMA ( NS-DBMA) for the estimation of nodal displacement. The sub-pixel accuracy prediction and two-mode hybrid method are further proposed. 本文讨论可变形块匹配(DBMA)的运动补偿和预测方法,提出基于节点搜索的可变形块匹配算法(NS-DBMA),并在此基础上提出分数像素精度预测和双模式混合预测方法。
Based on the geometrical nonlinear theory of system consisted of bars, the formula of nodal displacement increment really causing the deformation of spatial beam element in its motion from t to t+ Δ t moment is derived in spatial co-rotational coordinate system. 在杆系结构几何非线性理论的基础上,推导了在空间状态随转坐标系下从t时刻到t+Δt时刻,空间梁单元的运动中能真正引起单元变形的那部分节点位移增量表达式。
In this paper, the compatibility equations of displacement for multistorey and multispan rigid frame subjected to lateral nodal forces are derived by using integral formula for displacement calculation. 本文采用计算位移的积分公式推导出多层多跨刚架在水平结点荷载作用下的位移协调方程。
A semi-analytical finite element method based on nodal line displacement 基于结线解析函数的半解析有限元方法
Moreover, when the nodal displacement component constraint is inactive, this model can still be used to improve the loading capacity of static indeterminate truss structures. 当结构位移并不重要时,仍可用该模型来提高结构的承载能力。
Every rod of the truss is then considered to be a plane beam element with its displacement described by Hermitian interpolations. The nodal displacement parameters of the plane beam are expressed as the functions of the nodal displacement of the box girder element by cubic polynomials. 取桁架的每根杆件为一平面梁单元,用三次插值函数描述其位移,单元节点位移参数用三次多项式表示为箱梁梁段单元节点位移参数的函数。
Optimum strength control of adaptive trusses subject to nodal displacement constraints 位移约束下智能桁架的强度最优控制
The effect of geometrical non-linearity and geometrical material coupled non-linearity are studied by means of pushover analysis, during which nodal displacement deviation vector norm is presented to indicate the non-linear behavior of the arch. 采用pushover法研究了拱肋的几何非线性,以及几何、材料双重非线性的影响,提出了节点位移偏差向量范数的概念,以从宏观上表示拱肋的非线性行为;
The creation of dynamic contact model can reflect contact and sliding of contact surfaces better, than the coordination of nodal displacement and deformation. 与节点位移变形协调一致的方法相比,建立动态接触模型能更好的反映接触表面的接触及相对滑动。
That analysis of the system axis at the nodal displacement under load and vibration mode provides the safe operation of the system guidance. 即分析了系统轴在载荷作用下的节点位移和振动模态,为系统的稳定安全运行提供指导意义。
Based on the analysis results of the equivalent Von Mises stress and the nodal displacement, four different regions of interest are chosen to achieve this comparison. 我们选择四个感兴趣区域分别进行等效应力和节点位移的比较。